I have a trial copy of Video Redo TV Suite.  I expect to buy it, but I need
a little help manually editing a long video.


Here is the scenario.  The video I captured from the internet has several
sections that I want to keep with discard stuff between them.  I want to
save each selected section to a separate file or project so I can rearrange
the sections when I burn them to a DVD.


For the editing, I found that page-up and page-down move in fairly large
time intervals.  I know there are keyboard shortcuts to move in smaller
increments, but JAWS 11 will not read the keystrokes from the help file.  It
reads the descriptions, but not the keystrokes.  I appreciate any help with
the keystrokes or tips to get JAWS to read them in the help file.


I also appreciate suggestions on the process to save the video sections and
then add them to a DVD in a different order.


Thanks for your help.  I know I am starting with a rather complex project.


Rob Armstrong


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