So it sounds like you want to get music from your CD's onto your PC.
After that, you want to transfer that music to your portable players.
Would these portable players be things like MP3 players? Do they involve
CD's at all?

I think you want to rip your CD's, It doesn't sound like you want to do
any burning. Windows Media Player will rip the music from your CD's and
then place it onto your PC. It'll also let you update portable media
players. You don't need Windows Explorer for any of this. Other
applications, such as Winamp, iTunes and so on will do the same thing.
You can also use a ripper like CDex to get the music from the CD onto
your PC. Depending on the MP3 player, you may be able to use Windows
Explorer to copy music files to your MP3 player. This assumes that it
shows up as a removable drive when you plug it in.

On 27/12/11 12:07, Kris Hickerson wrote:
> Sorry, Christopher, I was somewhat distracted when I wrote the e-mail.  What
> I want to do right now is to transfer a couple CD's to the computer so that
> I can then move them to some of my portable players.  
> I did not have a CD inserted when I looked at Windows Explorer and, you're
> right that could make a difference.  
> Thanks for your help.  XP was so much easier I thought.  I'm not sure if
> I'll ever get used to 7. 
> Kris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 10:46 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Burning CD's
> Are you looking for a burning program or a ripping program? You're asking
> about a burning program, which is where you want to burn music from your PC
> onto a empty CD, but later you talk about getting music off of a CD and onto
> your PC, which is ripping.
> I believe you can just use Windows Explorer to copy or burn music from your
> PC to a blank CD. You might need to have the music selected or a blank CD
> inserted before these options show up. It's been a while since I've done it,
> and that was on Windows XP.
> If you're looking for a way to rip CD's with Windows 7 then I believe the
> program you're looking for is Windows Media Player.
>       On 27/12/11 10:34, Kris Hickerson wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Well, I don't know if I am stupid or what, but people on this list 
>> have said Windows 7 has a very simple burning program.  If it is 
>> there, I certainly can't locate it.
>> I've opened Windows Explorer, looked through all the menus and 
>> soforth, and did not find it.  So, I tried using the search box, but I 
>> can't get it to bring up any burning program.
>> All I want to do is copy a CD into my music library on the computer.  
>> That really shouldn't be too difficult, but I'm not locating a program 
>> that will let me do it.  I know there are programs that I can download 
>> to do this and I probably will download something in the future.  But 
>> for right now, I just want to get a couple of CD's transfer to the
> computer.
>> Can someone tell me where to look and what the program is called, and 
>> perhaps give me an idea of why I'm not finding it.
>> Thanks so much for any help.  
>> Kris
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