For those who use or are familiar with VLC player, I am looking around to see 
if I can do a couple things that I could do in Winamp.  VLC has a terrific 
sound but one thing I want to do is to be able to play several songs at once.  
I use control and down arrow together in my songs list and hit spacebar to 
select, just as in winamp, but it chooses one of the songs and only plays it.  
In fact, instead of choosing the song my arrow key happens to be on, it picks 
another that I have selected, say, above or below the track I'm actually on.  
How do I get it to play several songs?  Okay I just did something while writing 
this.  I hit next, and it did play the next track in my selection, but I want 
to play my selections one right after another without having to hit next.

Also where is the equalizer, and I hear it also has a file converter.  Are 
equalizer and file converter not accessible?  This particular computer is an XP 
and using Jaws 13, so if anyone knows how to use this player I'd appreciate 
help.  I really like its sound but doesn't seem real accessible.

One more question, sorry.  Does it have a plug-in like, say, Rock Steady or 
Thomas Limiter for Winamp, that regulates VLC's volume.  Some tracks are way 
loud and others are very soft.Thanks.

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