Hi.  I don't know where you are located but here in the UK , in the 1980's
there was a battle between two video recorder formats; Betamax and VHS.  At
the end of the day VHS walked away all out winners.  Now the battle is
between HD (High Definition) and Blue Ray.  Both do the same thing, give
extremely hi quality video and use multi layer discs but are different
formats.  Now one can argue till the cows come home which is superior but
here in the UK Blue Ray has grabbed the high ground.  As Express Burn is
produced by an Australian company and they offer a Blue Ray burner then I
assume that Blue ray is the dominant format over there.  It might be
different in different parts of the world, I don't know but despite Blue Ray
seizing most of the market here, I don't see many Blue Ray blank discs.  In
fact, getting blank DVD discs and CD discs is getting a little harder, there
is not as much choice as there once was.  Since people either stream movies
or music or download them and play them via there PC and TVs there is less
need for the trouble of burning discs.  Walter.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of brian
Sent: 23 April 2013 18:43
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: re blueray discs

Hi walter, thanks, but what is special about blueray discs. brian.e

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