Audacity has this which is easy to use. It tells you what key the song is in then you can choose what key to move it to. And Audacity is free.

I have seen this in other audio programs but it uses percentage to raise or lower which didn't make sense to me. I like knowing what key the original is in and what key I am moving it to.

You can download it from

-----Original Message----- From: Milton Ota
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 8:54 AM
Subject: Looking for PC software that changes key but not speed

I'm looking for an accessible PC software that will change the key of a
song but not its speed. This is for learning purposes. If paid, please
state the price if you know it but would prefer freeware or shareware.

Please if you have the URL to the website that would also be nice.


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