Could someone please explain in plain english, what exactly is the microsoft
sound mapper? 

Up until a couple days ago, I've discovered that within my list of output
devices within my screen reader, among certain other programs, (you know,
the list where you can choose which soundcard you want to use for certain
things, there's something called microsoft sound mapper. What does this
(sound mapper) thing do? Is it a soundcard? During my radio show a couple
nights ago, I had an emergency, and therefore, had to fire up nvda to use as
a backup screen reader. Like I said, I only found out about microsoft sound
mapper a couple days ago, and so this is also when I found out that nvda was
using sound mapper for it's sound output. So I'm wondering, when you tell
your screen reader and/or media player to use sound mapper for its output,
especially when you're in a broadcasting situation, can listeners hear it?
and what about the computer sounds that we all hear everyday, such as the
windows startup and shutdown sounds,  skype sounds and that ding ding sound
that windows 7 and 8.1 makes to indicate that a download has completed.
Where do those sounds come from?


Rochester, NY.

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