Hi all

For those of you who might still remember – my pair of B&W mm1 speakers
finally arrived today.

Getting started was rather straight forward.   I simply connected up the two
speakers, connected it up to the power supply and plugged in the USB port.
Was a bit of a problem finding the power button on the side of the active
speaker but when I finally found it by accident, the computer recognised it
immediately and installed the windows drivers.  It now shows up in my audio
devices as mm1.

The two rather small speakers are surprisingly heavy for their size and
extremely solidly constructed.   There are two buttons on the left side of
the speaker for volume control and one on the right side of the speaker
which is the power on button.  All of these buttons must be physically press
so they give tactile feedback.   But there is now physicale indication where
they are located.

There is a basic little remote control that comes with the unit which I have
not yet used.  You have to pul out f small tab that keeps the battery door
from closing.  I messed up things a bit so the greatest part of the tab
broke off!  Still have to get the rest out.

The sound that comes out of these little speakers is quite astonishing.
However, if you are looking for booming bass and screeching highs as seem to
be the case with much of the modern equipment, you are going to be very
disappointed.  The sound of the B&W is subtle  that is the only way I can
describe it.  All the frequencies are there that you would need.  And the
sound is wonderfully clear.

Am still running some tests so will get back later if anyone is interested.



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