I still remember the blazing sound of the B&W A5 and I often kick myself for selling that unit as soon as I did given it took me a little longer than I anticipated to save for the A7 but that can't be helped and - given the sound of the A5 - I just can't wait to have the A7 in my den.

I know the chap who bought my A5 and he wouldn't be rid of it even if you paid him, actually he asked me if the place I bought my A7 from had any more left so that's how impressed he is with the B&W sound.

Regarding the P7 cans? Well I wouldn't go so far as to say that those cans are the best you can buy but for the money they certainly punch above their weight, hard to believe I've had my pair for nearly 9 months now.

My only slight complaint about the P7 is its weight, it does get a little heavy around the ears but the ears don't get sore.

On 26/05/2016 2:39 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
I know what you mean about the take over. If the company that took them
over is smart, they'll let them alone to do what they do best. Still,
glad I got the m1 and the p7.



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