Hi Jon,

Stephane and I discussed this earlier in the week. And this could be an
interesting direction to explore! Will come back to the WG with a proposal


On Fri, 17 Nov 2017 at 9:03 AM, Jonathan Hardwick <
jonathan.hardw...@metaswitch.com> wrote:

> Hi Stephane
> I’m not necessarily saying that this is the way to go, but I would like to
> point out the P flag and the I flag in the PCEP common object header.  If a
> constraint can be relaxed, the PCC sends the relevant object(s) with P=0.
> If the PCE decides to relax a constraint, it includes the relevant
> object(s) in the PCRep with I=1.  Does that change your opinion of whether
> a suitable mechanism for this already exists?
> Cheers
> Jon
> *From:* Pce [mailto:pce-boun...@ietf.org] *On Behalf Of *
> stephane.litkow...@orange.com
> *Sent:* 14 November 2017 01:18
> *To:* DUGEON Olivier IMT/OLN <olivier.dug...@orange.com>; Daniele
> Ceccarelli <daniele.ceccare...@ericsson.com>; pce@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Pce] draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity: relaxing
> constraint
> Hi Olivier,
> I do not agree with what you mentioned.
> The metric object is defined (but not limited to) to set a constraint on
> the metric: what I should optimize for (IGP metric, TE metric, both…) and
> is there a boundary that I should not exceed.
> Nothing says that the constraint can be relaxed by the PCE. If a PCE
> receives a computation request or needs to compute a path for an LSP having
> for instance a metric object with type=TE and bound=100. If it cannot found
> a path, it will return NO-PATH without relaxing the constraint. Relaxing
> the constraint means that the PCC allows the PCE to compute a path without
> using the requested constraint if the PCE cannot find a path that fills
> this constraint.
> So in case of the METRIC object and the boundary case, if the PCC allows
> the PCE to relax the constraint, if it does not find a path fitting the
> boundary, it will provide a path exceeding this boundary instead of
> returning NO-PATH.
> Now the METRIC object does not have anything to do with the disjointness.
> Except that we can combine both if needed !
> For the disjointness, we have two cases when the PCC allowed the PCE to
> relax the constraint:
>    - The PCE has successfully computed a disjoint path but with a lower
>    disjointness type (link instead of node for instance) => this could be seen
>    as a partially relaxed constraint and I agree that the state could be sent
>    by adding the association group and filling the “computed state” of the
>    disjointness in the DISJOINTNESS-INFORMATION TLV (METRIC object has nothing
>    to do here).
>    - The PCE cannot compute a disjoint path at all and completely relaxed
>    the constraint.
> So we do not have any way yet (AFAIK) to tell the PCE that a particular
> constraint can be relaxed (another example is the bandwidth constraint => I
> do not think that it is a good example but why not…).
> Then the PCE needs to tell the PCC that it has relaxed a constraint =>
> this can be deduced from a “computed state” provided by the PCE for each
> constraint, but a more clear information may be better (possibly in
> addition to the “computed state”).
> Brgds,
> *From:* Olivier Dugeon [mailto:olivier.dug...@orange.com
> <olivier.dug...@orange.com>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 14, 2017 00:32
> *To:* LITKOWSKI Stephane OBS/OINIS; Daniele Ceccarelli; pce@ietf.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Pce] draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity: relaxing
> constraint
> Hello Stephane, all
> In fact, these mechanism is already available in RFC 5440.
> First, Metric Object has been defined with a B flag to indicate if this
> metric (i.e. constraint) must be bound or not. See
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5440#section-7.8. Terminology is not
> exactly the same, but, the goal is similar. It allows a PCC to indicate to
> the PCE if the metric must be strictly respected or not. Note, also that it
> is possible to indicate many similar Metric object with different value, as
> well as different value for the B-flag for more flexibility. For example,
> for the Disjointness, we could image a first Metric with SRLG disjoint path
> and B-Flag set to one and a second one with SRLG-and-Node disjoint path
> with B-Flag clear. This indicate to the PCE that we want at least an SRLG
> disjoint path, but if it could compute an SRLG and Node disjoint path we'll
> be very happy.
> PCC could also set the C-Flag to indicate to the PCE that it would in turn
> the computed Metric. For disjointness, it could indicate which type of
> disjointness it successfully used for the computed path.
> If a metric could not be met, PCE will return a No-PATH object with the
> default metric to indicate which constraints could not be met.
> Now, to indicate that a metric (constraint) should be relaxed, there is 2
> possibilities: send a new PCEP message with the B-Flag of this Metric
> cleared, or a PCEP message without the given Metric. see again RFC 5440 end
> of section 7.8 page 38 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5440#page-38).
> So, I think the generic mechanism is already available and to inherit from
> this behaviour, the Disjointeness TLV should be a new Metric Object instead
> of a dedicated new TLV. But, I understand that the draft and solution have
> not been design with this in mind. So I let authors decided if it is
> feasible or not.
> Regards
> Olivier
> Le 13/11/2017 à 09:40, stephane.litkow...@orange.com a écrit :
> Hi Daniele,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> If we go to a generic mechanism, IMO, this should be addressed in a
> separate document. In addition, we need a generic way for a PCC to tell the
> PCE that a constraint is relaxable or strict. For diversity, we have a
> dedicated flag within the DISJOINTNESS TLV for that purpose. Maybe we
> should make it generic as well.
> Do you agree ?
> Brgds,
> *From:* Daniele Ceccarelli [mailto:daniele.ceccare...@ericsson.com
> <daniele.ceccare...@ericsson.com>]
> *Sent:* Monday, November 13, 2017 16:33
> *To:* LITKOWSKI Stephane OBS/OINIS; pce@ietf.org
> *Subject:* RE: draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity: relaxing constraint
> Hi Stephane,
> definitely needed.
> My opinion is that a way to say that a constraint was relaxed is very
> useful. As you said there are different types of constraints that can be
> relaxed, e.g. diversity or a TE bound.
> I would make the TLV as generic as possible and maybe define multiple
> sub-TLV (or maybe just multiple values) depending on the constraint that
> was relaxed.
> BR
> Daniele
> *From:* Pce [mailto:pce-boun...@ietf.org <pce-boun...@ietf.org>] *On
> Behalf Of *stephane.litkow...@orange.com
> *Sent:* lunedì 13 novembre 2017 16:22
> *To:* pce@ietf.org
> *Subject:* [Pce] draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity: relaxing constraint
> Hi WG,
> In the latest version of draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity we added a
> new TLV called RELAXED-CONSTRAINT-TLV to be used in LSP Object of a
> PCUpdate message when the PCE relaxes the requested disjointness
> constraint. For instance, if a PCC requests an SRLG disjoint path but the
> PCE cannot find it, it may relax the constraint (if PCC allows it to do so)
> and thus informs the PCC through the RELAXED-CONSTRAINT-TLV.
> IMO, this kind of behavior is more generic rather tied to the disjointness
> use case. It may be used with other constraints as well.
> The question is: do we need to keep this RELAXED-CONSTRAINT-TLV in the
> association-diversity draft ? or do we drop it ? or do we define a TLV more
> specific to the association diversity state ? maybe we can reuse the
> association group object in the PCUpdate message including the
> DISJOINTNESS-INFORMATION-TLV which reflects the actual disjointness style
> used by the PCE.
> Opinions ?
> Brgds,
> Stephane
> [image: Orange logo] <http://www.orange.com/>
> *Stephane Litkowski *
> Network Architect
> Orange Expert Future Networks
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