>Now I'm completely clear where is the problem.
> But seems like OpenCL doing it same way as OpenSSL makes AES en/decryption.
> It uses 16byte blocks for operation, just you know you using full 16 or just 
> part of it.
> And in case of texture size, you can create smaller texture size and upload 
> your 1MB "string stream" by
> blocks, once first entry is done, you can stop uploading.
> Minimum texture size 1pixel.

Is this called texture atlas? Or is that something different? I am not a CL 
expert :)

The other thing we need to worry about is the matching length. Let's say we 
start matching parallelly from the first 128 starting offsets, but the matching 
length is not known at compile time. It can be 100 bytes, 1000 bytes, anything. 
Are you able to do that without uploading the whole input, which is the worst 
case? E.g: /\p{Any}*/ matches the whole input.


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