> Just to make sure I understand what you are suggesting: instead of
> returning the earliest character that was inspected, you want it to
> return the starting point of the last match attempt. Is that right? I
> presume you then expect to use that offset minus the max lookbehind to
> discover what characters to keep. Is that right?

Just my two cents: we did incompatible changes before such as removing 
pcre_info, or disallowing 0xD800-0xDFFF range in UTF character sets. After 
these changes people needed to fix their software (Apache or PHP), and they did 
it and moved on. We never actually removed a feature, just reworked it.

The original behavior was always odd to me, because it depends on the current 
subject. I feel that is not exactly consistent. After this change the matching 
code will be less complex (a little faster and more maintainable), and I think 
the use cases will not even change because ovector[0]-max_lookbehind character 
must be kept even now.


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