Clint, how new is your view of the archives?

As of my time 9:14 pm eastern time, Harold's "Support O" posting is the newest entry into the archive. And all of your posts save the last contact to Marlene are there.

Perhaps it is your provider's servers? Or a setting on your system?

Peter Kaulback wrote:
Naa, problem is the #$%^!@ archives!  Go there and you'll see
not a SINGLE post of mine on this!  All that's there is YOUR
reply to them! .
Strange isn't it!

I also was able to send the email to myself with no problems.
So I don't know what the hell is going on, other than a problem
with the archives (which I have been saying for over a year
now).  If the damn things would show up in the archives like
everyone else's posts, then I'd of course SEE them and I'd KNOW
they were getting posted!  Very frustrating.  It's like the
archives have some kind of a "filter" for MY posts!

God Bless
Clint Hamilton, Owner )

Jeff Dougherty
Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:34:34 -0700

You better change ISP's or something.
I've seen all 5 of these since Wednesday.


-----Original Message-----

(FIFTH try at posting!)

Microsoft NetMeeting Denial of Service Vulnerability
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