Internet Explorer daxctle.ocx "KeyFrame()" Method Vulnerability

Secunia Advisory:  SA21910
Release Date:  2006-09-14
Last Update:  2006-09-15

Extremely critical
Impact:  System access

Where:  From remote

Solution Status:  Unpatched

Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x

CVE reference: CVE-2006-4777 (Secunia mirror)

nop has discovered a vulnerability in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.

The vulnerability is caused due to a memory corruption error in the Microsoft Multimedia Controls ActiveX control (daxctle.ocx) in the "CPathCtl::KeyFrame()" function. This can be exploited by e.g. tricking a user into viewing a malicious HTML document passing specially crafted arguments to the ActiveX control's "KeyFrame()" method.

Successful exploitation allows execution of arbitrary code.

NOTE: A somewhat working exploit is publicly available for partially patched versions of Windows 2000. However, Secunia has successfully created a fully working exploit for Windows XP SP2 (fully patched).

It is also possible to crash the browser via the "Spline()" method.

Only allow trusted websites to run ActiveX controls.

Provided and/or discovered by:

2006-09-15: Added Microsoft, US-CERT, and CVE references.

Original Advisory:


Other References:
US-CERT VU#377369:

Please note: The information that this Secunia Advisory is based on comes from a third party unless stated otherwise.

Secunia collects, validates, and verifies all vulnerability reports issued by security research groups, vendors, and others.
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