i'm not sure, if you understand, what i wanted to tell you, maybe
because of by bad written english, i'm not a native speaker. i'm not
sure, if i'm reading you mail correctly, maybe because of the same

nevertheless, if you're interested in the concept differences between pd
and pnpd, you are free to read my design docs or my dev blog or post
questions of the mailinglist.

i think, we can stop the flamewar, now

On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 11:10 -0500, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Tim Blechmann wrote:
> >>> one thing, that you people need to realize: open source software
> >>> development doesn't work, if you don't care, what other people are
> >>> doing.
> >> Why did you start pnpd?
> > as you might now, the pnpd core and the pd core follow different design
> > concepts.
> And that's how you escape your own reasoning? I care about what other 
> people are doing, I keep compatibility with maybe 99% of the pd patches. 
> Do you have any compatibility with pd in pnpd?
> Pnpd must not be that far off in terms of design principles, because the 
> GUI that it's made to connect to, as a client-server system, is Klippels 
> Karma, which was first intended as a rather direct rewrite of jMax 2.5, 
> and jMax 2.5 is enough like PureData so that GridFlow can support both at 
> once and confine the differences between the two systems to about 5% of 
> GridFlow's code. What I mean, is that basically, it's all the same.
> Don't even try to rub yourself out of the picture by contemplating how 
> much your design differences are so important and ignoring how the design 
> resemblances are so even more important.
> >>> and how i see the current situation no one really cares about the other
> >>> ones ...
> >> And you still see this as a problem?
> > i don't see it as a problem, it just can be used in a textbook on
> > project management as bad example...
> And you are very much part of that "bad example". That's my point in this 
> whole message.
>   _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
> | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
> | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ICQ: 96771783

There's no such entity as "most people". These are generalities. All
generalities are meaningless. You've got to pin it down to a specific
person doing a specific thing at a specific time and space.
  William S. Burroughs

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