THere's a makefile in "expr~" that combines three object files... the makefile
is a bit ugly but could be a good starting point.


On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 03:56:57PM +0000, Eric Lyon wrote:
> Greetings,
> I need some advice for how to modify the Pd Makefile for when I need to
> compile more than one code file into an external, yet do not wish to create
> a separate library. Say I have a main file for the external, "tightdsp~.c"
> another file containing support functions, "dsphelper1.c" and a third file
> with even more functions, "dsphelper2.c". How would I modify the following
> Makefile so that it would compile the code together, just as if I had copied
> the contents of the two helper files into the main code file?
> TIA,
> Eric
> ===
> NAME=tightdsp~
> CSYM=tightdsp_tilde
> current: pd_darwin
> # ----------------------- Mac OSX -----------------------
> pd_darwin: $(NAME).pd_darwin
> .SUFFIXES: .pd_darwin
> DARWINCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \
>    -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
> .c.pd_darwin:
>        cc $(DARWINCFLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)  -o $*.o -c $*.c
>        cc -bundle -undefined suppress  -flat_namespace -o $*.pd_darwin $*.o
>        rm -f $*.o ../$*.pd_darwin
>        cp $*.pd_darwin $(DEST)
> # ----------------------------------------------------------

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