Rich E wrote:
> I've been using a block of code I found in the [textfile] and [msgfile]
> externals:


>  dirname = canvas_getdir(x->canvas)->s_name; // of type t_canvas


> Hope this helps,

Well, it helped a little indirectly as it showed me to look for where 
x->canvas was initialized, and I found one example here:

static void *qlist_new( void)
     x->x_canvas = canvas_getcurrent();

I think I'll be doing that in my external's _new function, and use the 
canvas I get from canvas_getcurrent() with canvas_open().

canvas_getcurrent() is only valid in the _new function, I assume?

> rich



> On 3/23/07, Claude Heiland-Allen <claudiusmaximus at> wrote:
>> Steffen wrote:
>> > On 22/03/2007, at 23.41, Roman Haefeli wrote:
>> >
>> >> When opening patches by sending messages to pd, the path is
>> >> relative to
>> >> pd's startup-location. when loading other files (text-, audio-,
>> >> data-files etc) the path is set relative to the location of the patch.
>> >> since the patch doesn't know, where pd was started, you actually
>> >> cannot
>> >> use relative pathes when opening patches by messages without:
>> >
>> > Maybe [declare] can help you? (Pd >= 0.40)
>> (Maybe) relatedly:
>> How would I open a file relative to a patch in an external instantiated
>> within that patch?
>> canvas_open() seems to be exactly what I want, but how to get the
>> containing canvas of my object?
>> Hoping there is a solution,
>> Claude
>> -- 

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