moved this to pd-dev...

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2007, at 11:19 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> how should i proceed?
> Hmm, I like the idea of encapsulating the hexloader code, but I think  
> if the hexloader is a separate loader, then the other loaders won't  
> benefit from its translation of non-alphanumeric ASCII.  I think the  
> way the loader stuff is implemented, it is just a failover, if the  
> first loader fails, then the next one tries.  I think that the  
> classname should be the filename not only for objects written in C  
> and Pd, but also any other language.

i agree, but i don't see a way to achieve this.
even if the hexloader is in the pd-core there is still no way to use the
hex-expansion from within other loaders.

> If you are rearchitecting this stuff, I would like to make a  
> suggestion.  What I would also like to see is that the hexloader is  
> split into two naming schemes: file system, which would translate  
> only / \ : * ? " < > | and the setup function, which would do the  
> whole translation.  That would make the files a lot more readable.

this is basically a good idea.
the reason why i did not go the entire way is that i am not sure whether
'/ \ : * ? " < > |' is the entire set of forbidden characters on all

the way i am currently (in the new hexloader loader) doing it, is just
trying to expand the classname in several ways and then trying _all_
expansions (including the original classname) as both filenames and
adding another expansion is just trivial.

i don't see any real reason for differentiation between filenames and
setup-routines as long as the entire set is tested. (e.g. with class
"v*" i am now doing a test for "v*_setup()" in v*.l_i386 and
v0x2a.pd_linux even though "v*_setup()" is not a valid functionname in C.
i don't think that there is any harm in this.

> If the loader is the route you end up taking, the CVS directory  
> hierarchy sounds good to me, feel free to move the libdir loader to  
> it's own folder, or leave it.

i think i'll move it and hope to not break things.


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