On Jan 29, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Russell Bryant wrote:

> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I think that Asterisk could provide a good model with its
>> "applications" and other plugins.  While many of them are contributed
>> from others, they are all options in the ./configure and "make
>> menuconfig" system.
> Thanks.  :)
> However, I'm not sure that our model could apply to Pd.  Asterisk  
> is distributed
> as one monolithic source package, because it is maintained by a  
> core development
> team sponsored by a company.  Pd development is much more  
> fragmented than that,
> and the source layout reflects it.
> Given the way the Pd core is developed and released, it seems that  
> integrating
> any other things from externals and so forth into the pd-core build  
> system is
> pretty much out of the question.  I agree with IOhannes that the  
> configure
> script and the rest of the build system for pd-vanilla should, at  
> least for the
> foreseeable future, stay only related to the pd-vanilla stuff itself.
> However, it's possible that the configure/menuselect system that we  
> use could be
> applied to the externals directory.  The basic idea is that there  
> is a single
> configure script that checks for the presence and usability of  
> libraries and
> other system-dependent features than any module cares about.
> Then, menuselect (menuconfig) serves a couple of purposes.  It  
> reads information
> about what libraries modules depend on, or what other modules they  
> depend on or
> conflict with, and builds a list of what things to build based on  
> the results of
> the configure script versus the dependency information.  It can  
> also be run in
> an interactive mode (a simple ncurses interface) where you can see  
> what modules
> depend on and customize what modules gets built.
> If for your specific purpose, you only want to build a small set of  
> modules,
> then you could have a pre-made menuselect.makeopts file that you  
> drop in to the
> package, and it will only build what you ask for.
> Some people really like the system.  Others don't like it because  
> it is
> "non-standard" and this stuff isn't used outside of Asterisk and a  
> couple other
> packages that we distribute.
> But, if the goal is to provide some sort of common build system,  
> while also
> providing the ability to customize which externals get built, then  
> this may be
> applicable ...

I am proposing working together to create one build system that can  
generate custom distros.  IEM makes their own custom distros and Pd- 
extended is basically a custom distro as well.  I think we'll all  
benefit if we share this work.  Right now we have multiple parallel  
and conflicting build systems.  I think the asterisk build system has  
some good examples for what we could do.



You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can  
hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie

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