hi all

i finally switched over from dapper to hardy and compiled all the
iemlibs fine (using the original makefiles), but they couldn't be

 /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemlib/iemlib1.pd_linux: undefined symbol:
iemlib1: can't load library

i got the same error for iemlib2 and iem_mp3

after googling a bit around, i found some forum-posts saying, that this
error comes from default settings for gcc, that were changed between
ubuntu versions. they also said, that it could be circumvented/fixed
(don't know really) by adding  '-fno-stack-protector' to the CFLAGS.
after applying that change to <pd-svn>/externals/iemlib/Make.include and
a recompile, all libs could be loaded fine.

to make a long story short:
would it cause any harm to change the Make.include file in svn repo


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