On Jan 12, 2010, at 3:31 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Hey IOhannes,


Just checking out your commits.  The ./pd-gui.tcl [[<host>:]<port>]


stuff looks interesting, but your commit removed that stringent test,

i hope it did not remove any stringent text.
the patch will only take effect, if there is _exactly_ a single argument
and this argument is either
- exactly an integer (<port>)
- or exactly a something followed by a ":" followed by an integer

so the only relaxation of tests i did was:
- remove the "5400" barrier for ports (what was that for?)
- additionally allow the number to be prefixed by a word ending with a

which might be needed if "wish pd-gui.tcl" is going to be able to handle
command line args like -stderr -open -verbose, etc.

i have tested (see bug #2929975) and things like "wish ./pd-gui.tcl
-stderr delme.pd" still works as expected.
also "./pd-gui.tcl delme.pd" does what it should.

you cannot open patches named "localhost:5400" (in theory you should, by using the "-open localhost:5400" syntax; but it seems like this triggers an unrelated check (for .pd suffix?) which prevents opening a so- named file)

Just something to
test and look out for.


Also, what are the security implecations of this?

hmm, i think the implication is, that pd-gui can now be used to lauch a DoS attack, simply by starting a lot of pd-gui's connecting to a remote
apart from that, it brings back functionality lost during the rewrite:
the old Pd-Gui could be started as
./pd-gui 5600 remotehost
which would connect to remotehost:5600

the new syntax "./pd-gui remotehost:5600" is afaict more readable to
anybody who has ever worked with a networking app on the console.

i "heavily" use (read: rely on) this feature for peerdata.

Ah, ok, I didn't remember that was in the old pd-gui. Makes sense its useful for peerdata. I am all for having it, just wanted to make sure we track down any issues it might cause.



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