On 2010-07-12 05:33, Miller Puckette wrote:
> o Pd developers --
> After much uncertainty how to proceed, I finally went ahead and 'pushed'
> my Pd git repository to sourceforgs -- available at
> http://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=pure-data/pure-data
> or to clone it to your machine (once you have git installed):
> git clone \
>  ssh://yourn...@pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data

cool, thanks.

> The git code is based on the Hans/IOhannes gui rewrite -- that alone is such
> a dramatic improvement that I'm thinking I should just do some audio testing
> and tuning now, and then call it 0.43.

the major question i have right now (after cloning the repository):
how do you compile it?
it seems like you have not fully taken hans's autoconf buildsystem,
though there are some definitive traces of it in the repository (e.g.
there is ./configure.ac and ./autogen.sh but no ./Makefile.am; as a
matter of fact no "*.am" file (from automake) is there at all)

i tried the "old way" (by running "autconf && ./configure && make" in
./src) which compiles fine but i get an error at startup:
> invalid command name ".menubar.file"

skipping the error, seems to make everything work.


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