I reinstalled 'puredata' on debian-stable-amd64, sorry about that, I don't know 
what happened there.  The build systems are mean to have the Pd-vanilla headers 

I'm happy to install packages and put apps into /Applications.  But in order to 
keep the systems clean for building, I will not put anything include /usr/local.

If you don't want to build against Pd-extended, then don't point to those 
headers.  The Makefile template points to Pd-extended on Mac OS X and Windows 
because Pd-vanilla does not provide headers in the standard packages.


On Feb 21, 2012, at 7:03 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> it seems like on the debian-stable-amd64 host of the build-farm, the
> Pd-headers have been uninstalled.
> at least, Gem build#71 (2011-12-22 10:00:51) succeeded, whereas the next
> build#527 (2012-02-19 22:01:47) failed, because out of a sudden it
> cannot find the Pd-headers any more.
> logging into the machine revealed, that the "pd-extended" package is
> installed, which provides headers in "/usr/include/pdextended" but:
> - - no compatibility header m_pd.h in /usr/include/ (like the puredata-dev
> package in debian does)
> - - `pkg-config --cflags pdextended` returns "-I/usr/local/include/pd",
> which does not exist at all.
> - - `pkg-config --cflags pd` fails as well as `pkg-config --cflags puredata`
> would it be possible to have Pd-headers installed in a default location
> on _all_ auto-build machines?
> ideally, this would be somehow compatible with the header location on
> "ordinary" machines.
> would it also be possible to not have to assume builds against Pd-extended?
> fgmasdr
> IOhannes
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