On 06/18/2013 10:55 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> ________________________________
>  >From: Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>> To: pd-dev@iem.at 
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 1:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: [PD-dev] OSX tcl/tk version
>> Pd-extended on Mac OS X uses a built-in Tcl/Tk that's included inside the 
>> app.
>> That is a 32-bit Carbon version, not Cocoa nor 64-bit.  Pd's Tcl code has
>> some issues running on Tk/Cocoa, it would be awesome if someone could try to
>> fix them.  I beleive they are in the bug tracker.
> I tried searching the bug tracker for cocoa, apple, osx, macos, carbon... 
> didn't
> find what you're referring to.  If you can steer me in the right direction 
> I'd be happy
> to take a look.  (I'm already looking at why Pd gives duplicated menu entries 
> for
> "Preferences" so I might as well...)

Hmm, can't find them either.  Memory fails me...

>> If you want to try with a stock Pd-extended 0.43.4, just remove the
>> Tcl.framework and Tk.framework from inside of the app wrapper, and it should
>> use the one included in /System/Library/Frameworks or /Library/Frameworks.
> Thanks.
> Btw-- does anyone know a way to screw around with the contents of an OSX
> *.app that _doesn't_ require giving root password every time I make a change?
> It's quite telling that the user can run an app dl'd from the net, but the 
> idea that
> a user would ever change what an app does to suit their needs is so remote 
> that
> you  have to call the administrator in to sign off on it.

Copy the app to your desktop, then your user should own all the files.


> -Jonathan
>> .hc
> On 06/10/2013 03:00 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>> Can't figure this one out:
>> Version: Pd 0.43.4extended
>> OS: Mac OSX Version 10.7.5
>> 1) Querying the tcl version with the tcl prompt:
>> pdtk_post "[info patchlevel]\n"
>> 8.5.11
>> 2) Query OSX's wish version in a terminal:
>> % info patchlevel
>> 8.5.9
>> 3) building a ttk::notebook through Pd's tcl prompt:
>> toplevel .t
>> pack [ttk::notebook .t.n]
>> .t.n add [ttk::frame .t.n.f1] -text "hello"
>> .t.n add [ttk::frame .t.n.f2] -text "world"
>> You get the old "carbon" notebook that doesn't look native
>> 4) building a ttk::notebook through OSX terminal wish prompt:
>> (same as above)
>> You get a "Tab View" as shown in Apple's HIG:
>> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AppleHIGuidelines/Controls/Controls.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000359-TPXREF227
>> Obviously I want the native "Tab View", but Pd won't give it to me.  Version 
>> 8.5.9 and
>> greater are supposed to hook into Cocoa for drawing native widgets.  I 
>> assume 8.5.11
>> is greater than 8.5.9, so why is Pd displaying old-style Carbon widgets, and 
>> how do I change that behavior?
>> -Jonathan
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