
** [bugs:#1099] misleading message when single-stepping with global dsp off**

**Status:** open
**Labels:** block~ switch~ 
**Created:** Wed Aug 07, 2013 07:15 AM UTC by Claude Heiland-Allen
**Last Updated:** Wed Aug 07, 2013 07:15 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Pd 0.45.0test  (git from today, slightly modified by me in unrelated areas)

Steps to reproduce

1. start pd
*  open block~-help.pd
*  open the lower "block interations" (sic) subpatch
*  ignore the instruction to turn dsp on
*  click the bang

What happened

console prints: "bang to block~ or on-state switch~ has no effect"

What I expected

console prints something like "bang to switch~ has no effect when global dsp is 

What would be even better

if it "just worked" and computed a single dsp block regardless of the global 
dsp state


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