
** [patches:#518] dynroute.tcl patch fixing removing items and some more**

**Status:** open
**Labels:** pdtcl 
**Created:** Sun Dec 22, 2013 04:55 PM UTC by electrickery
**Last Updated:** Sun Dec 22, 2013 04:55 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

The main problem with the script is with the remove message on inlet 1.
This failed to remove the item from the routing list. 

Another problem with the script is the usage of un-evaluated catch {}
statements. Like in Java, these make errors disappear without a trace,
not very robust programming. I replaced these by a test. 

The last and most minor issue is that the remove function requires the
routed outlet, but does not use it.

The initial bug is patched by replacing line 50:
-    catch {dict unset @routing $sel $out}
+    set @routing [dict remove $@routing $sel]

F.J. Kraan, 2013-12-22


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