On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 3:07 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:

> On 02/07/2018 08:33 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
> > Ah I see, more secret stuff...
> while this might seem annoying and offputting to you, it is really just
> a very basic and common git workflow.
> > I got this one:
> > https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data
> > and ran autogen.sh and configure from the top level.
> >
> > Where would I find this other branch of which you speak?
> if you cloned via git, you already have it:
> $ git checkout mingw-autotools-nolibdir
> (on the URL that lucas posted, you can also download the entire branch
> as a ZIP-file; but really: getting used to git and using it pays off
> endlessly)
> Yes I got it, I didn't realize it was in a different branch. And I keep
running out of time :(

+ make app
+This will create a "pd-VERSION" directory (ie. pd-0.48.1) which can then
be used
+by running pd.exe in the bin directory and placed wherever on your system.
+more info & options regarding the Pd app directory, see msw/README.txt

Now the 'make app' command produces the pd-.0.48.1 directory with pd.exe
inside it but nothing happens if I run that file -- no errors, no messages,
just returns to the prompt. So I suppose I still need to run something in
the msw directory to build tcl/tk; the README.txt in there gives a list of
possibilities, It's not clear to me which script to use to get a 'vanilla'
pd.exe, or do I just unpack pdprototype.tgz?

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