( writing this again as it was in a wrong thread and i have more info)

I've detected that your "0.50-0 test1" for win64 is built with an 64-bit
wish86.exe. This one does not ship, nor load the current pdfonloader.dll
that it's for 32-bit only.

I see 2 solutions:

1 - Build and use wish86.exe for 32bit.

2 - Build an 64bit "pdfontloader64.dll" and include some lines in
pd-gui.tcl to auto-detect the current wish* architecture and then load
the correct pdfontloader.


As for solution 2 to I did:

To compile an 64bit pdfontloader I did add these packages to MinGW with:

pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-tcl

pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-tk

then I did "make" in pdfontloder dir. and rename the dll to pdfontloader64.dll.

And included this lines in "pd-gui.tcl" (Line 407) :

set arch $::tcl_platform(pointerSize)
                                switch -- $arch {
                                        4 { load [file join "$::sys_libdir" 
"bin/pdfontloader.dll"]  }
                                        8 { load [file join "$::sys_libdir" 
"bin/pdfontloader64.dll"] }

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