Am 20. Jänner 2023 20:47:53 MEZ schrieb Alexandre Torres Porres 
>ok, here's a (maybe stupid) idea, currently, this object I designed gives
>you a channel number of "1" if nothing is connected to an inlet~, not sure
>if possible but maybe "sp[0]->s_nchans" could give us "0" if nothing is
>connected to an inlet~, so this object could be used to also detect inlet~

Which inlet~?
I see that your use-case is centered around connecting this object directly to 
[inlet~], but in general this just will not be the case, so i think we should 
disentangle the two objects conceptually.
I don't think we have a precedent of a "companion object" that is only 
auxiliary to another go one.

Or put otherwise: do we want to an object that tells us how many connections 
the [osc~] object that connects to it has?

If this doesn't really work (and personally I'm not convinced that it does), 
merging the functionality into [inlet~] itself might make more sense...


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