On 24.04.2024 09:45, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:

I'm working with some new feature of pdvst~ (https://git.nubegris.com.ar/lucarda/pdvst-0.52/compare/master...sq-fudi) this runs Pd via external scheduler "vstscheduler.dll"

I hit some strange issue with current Pd (Merge branch 'scheduler_fix' 2bea249)

this message no longer works

pd dsp 1;

while this one works

[dsp 1(
[s pd]

First, what exactly does "not work"? Second, these two message should obviously be equivalent. Are you really sure that they behave differently? If yes, that would be a bug in Pd's message system, not in my scheduler updates.

When I made the updates, I tried not to break the external scheduler mechanism and checked that pd~ still works. Maybe it's an issue in your scheduler implementation? I'll need to have a look at your code, but I'm travelling right now.

is not something I changed in pdvst~. Is something that only exhibits with the newest Pd.

I can live with it but may be this is some "peak of iceberg" ?


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