David Powers wrote:
On 11/28/06, John Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I know the GRiPD is no
longer maintained, but it happens to be perfect for our project so at
least in the short term it makes sense for us to use.

Just out of curiousity, why did this project die? It seems to be one
of the most promising/interesting approaches I've seen to using PD.
Especially because of the severe problems that PD Gui objects
currently cause in terms of hogging CPU...
Here's all I could find on our list from the developer:

Although, admittedly it might be just as easy to run PD without the
GUI and send OSC messages with an interface built in (insert program
of choice). Is that why it's obsolete? I've been meaning to try this
approach but haven't yet had the chance.
Is there a program you would recommend that would be as quick as GRiPD for designing an interface to work with Pd? Building an interface with wxwidgets/Python would certainly take a lot longer than using GRiPD...but are there other options?


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