Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> as a crude solution to limit bandwidth in netpd, i made the attached
> abstraction [list-fifo]. i am not sure, if it is a suitable name. 
> @frank
> if you think, that fits into your list-abs-collection, feel free to
> add/modify it.

Thanks a lot, this can be a very useful patch. I added it to the
[list]-abs on CVS with some small changes/extensions: Internally it
uses the new [list-extend] abstraction now to build lists from
incoming messages. I added a "clear" method to the first inlet to
empty the FIFO, I changed the default delimiter to the empty symbol,
and added the possibility to set the delimiter with an abstraction
argument as well like [list-fifo my-l33t-del1m17er]

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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