some follow-ups:

> why is it that [*] is only for floats, whereas if you want to multiply two 
> signals one has to use [*~] ?

why do patch cords have different width?

> And then why is it that [*~] can multiply a signal by a float, but [*] 
> can't do that?

why can |*~| multiply two signals, but why can't |*~ 1| do that?

> And then why is it that [*~] can't multiply a float by a signal, the 
> signal has to be on the left? Why is it that if I want to divide a float 
> by a signal, then I have to explicitly cast the float to signal (using 
> [sig~]) or use [expr~] ?

why is there no |!/~| object like in max/msp? and why is expr~ so slow? 

why are the inlets of |pow~| reversed?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ICQ: 96771783

I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion
  Jack Kerouac

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