Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Phil Stone hat gesagt: // Phil Stone wrote:
> > Frank, if you have a few moments, could you explain a little about how 
> > this wiring works in [polypoly]?  I see in the [pd init] subpatch of 
> > [polypoly] where the connections are made, but I don't understand why 
> > the first inlet goes only to the current [poly]-selected voice, while 
> > the second goes to all second inlets of all the cloned abstractions.   
> > It's hard to envision what the final patch would look like, or why it 
> > would look that way, at least.
> Hm, I think, you're misreading the automatically generated instances
> of the wrapper abstractions a bit. You'll probably see it a bit better
> if you move around the abstractions in [pd $0-poly] a bit, otherwise
> the patchcords and objects are on top of each other.

Ah, sorry, ignore this above. You have a correct understanding of the
wiring already. The additional thing is this: Inside of [polywrap]
there's a [route $2] which filters out only the messages whose first
element matches the voice number. The voice number is automatically
generated by [poly]! 

Matching messages are sent to the actual custom abstraction.  The
non-matching messages are sent further along the first outlet to the
next [polywrap] where another [route] is waiting for the correct voice
number and so it goes on.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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