On 1/21/07, Derek Holzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On OSX, you can edit the
/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist file, using
the built in "Property List Editor.app" (Control-click for that option
under "Open With"). I use this much more reliably than the Startup Menu.

This requires XCode (aka developer tools, included on your OSX install discs)
I find a combination of .pdrc and the plist to be best, as that way I
don't have to merge my particular customizations into every new build
of PD-extended I download (which I do... rather compulsively : )).

To use .pdrc you'll need a plaintext editor (textedit will do, though
I'm not sure if it will let you save something as a "dot file" – I use
textmate).  Enter your startup flags in the file, one per line.

Mm, so many choices.

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