On 2/21/07, Frank Barknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway, to give you a blackbox maybe like in Reaktor, attached is a
> Spectral Delay GOP abstraction ready to be dropped into any glitch
> patch.

Thanks Frank
this little black box is wonderful. i think pd would be really
attractive to more people of there were more patches like this around.
sure it is simplistic to want "plugins" without knowing anything about
the math behind it, but having gadgets to mess with in this way allows
new users and intermediate pders real tools to play with and perform
with from the outset, as well as tools to investigate and hack. (i
guess i'm one without a mathmatical bone in my body) the help examples
that come with pd are great but limited.
would be awesome to see more little blackboxes that sound this great, cheers!


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