hello luke$

i don't have a real solution at hand right now, but you could send the
numbers over a socket using a [netsend]/[netreceive]-pair. if you strip
the symbol selector before sending, the [netreceive] interprets numeric
values as floats.


On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 03:40 -0700, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
> I know this probably falls into the category of string discussion, but
> I'm interested if there are any solutions to this currently
> employable:
> I have a symbol that I'm splitting up in order to extract numerical
> content from the text.  I'm using zexy's s2l for this, then routing
> the float data back into l2s to assemble a value.  But l2s only spits
> out a symbol, and I can't seem to find any object to reinterpret the
> symbol as a float.
> Even using list trim to remove the symbol selector leaves me with a
> numeric message that pd still refuses to interpret as such.  [float]
> won't take it, nor will [t f], and [list] just turns it back into a
> symbol.  I've attached a patch demonstating this issue.
> The only solution I can think of is to make a decimal interpreter to
> assemble my number rather than l2s (since s2l spits out the list as
> floats just fine), but that seems a bit silly.
> I look forward to the discussion : ).
> Luke
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