> Just to let you know a couple of things:
> I'm excited to use this object but compiling flext against STK is
> proving to be quite irritating.  After the modifications you suggest
> to flstk.h, I am getting the following error:
> /usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lstk
> /usr/bin/libtool: file: -lstk is not an object file (not allowed in a
> library)
> make[1]: *** [pd-darwin/release-shared/libflext-pd.0.5.1.dylib] Error 1
> make: *** [build-release-shared] Error 2

You need to make sure that your stk.lib is installed somewhere on your
system that is in your PATH. In other words, when you compile stk.lib, you
should copy this into /usr/local/lib (or somewhere like that). You should
also have stk include/ folder copied into a similar location (i.e.
/usr/local/include/stk or something similar).

Alternately, you should make sure that your package.txt paths are adjusted
to reflect exact locations of these files. For further reading, please see
flext documentation (buildsys/readme.txt) which gives you additional
variables for package.txt (if I recall correctly, apart from INCPATH, there
might be also LIBPATH or something similar).

> This is not your fault, obviously :) I will post this to the flext
> list if I can't find anything searching.
> So I cannot compile munger1~ yet until I get a working flext/STK
> install.  However, I noticed a small mistake in your readme:  The
> instructions say to go into the munger1~ and execute flext's build.sh
> script, but it can actually only be executed from your source
> directory because it needs the package.txt file to run.  So I made the
> correction and turned it into:
> 5) Once stk and flext are compiled, go into munger1~ folder, cd to the
> source directory, and type:
> <path to flext folder>/build.sh <platform> <compiler>
> <build/clean/install>

This is what original README says anyhow so I am not quite sure what part of
the README you are referring to. <path to flext folder> should precede

Best wishes,


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