On 3/16/07, padawan12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 22:56:46 -0400
> "Chuckk Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/16/07, padawan12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > As Chuckk and some of the other mathematicians have said here, some
> > > esoteric pure math like operator theory subsumes the whole subject, 
> > > because
> >
> > Wait, what?  I wish I was a mathematician.  Do I come across that way?
> > I don't know what operator theory is, but I guess if it's related to
> > what I've said about music cognition, then I have some idea.
> One k too many, I meant t'other Charlie :) I'm sure C.Henry once said there
> was something to be said for looking at operator theory, maybe I totally
> misunderstood because thats well beyond me.

I realized after I posted that you must have meant him, but alas I was
too tipsy to respond again.

> > > sound is about changes and transformations, but I wonder what other 
> > > peoples
> > > top 10 'must have' concepts are. I suppose it depends on your goals, for 
> > > example
> > > a lot of composers learn a disproportionate amount of stats and 
> > > distributions.
> >
> > I'm humbled by those guys.  I borrowed an extra book from my
> > probability teacher (since probability class at an art school is kind
> > of tame), hoping to understand Gaussian, Poisson, etc., after seeing
> > them in the Csound manual, but I'm kind of marooned.
> Can you remember what it was? I say disproportionate, but really from 
> ignorance

What what was?  The Csound opcode?
I do think of it as overkill for synthesis purposes, but people use
Csound for lots of other purposes.  I guess for algorithmic
composition that kind of specificity is indispensible.

> > You never apprehend the object as a whole, because you
> > don't know what comes next.  Then again, I just apprehended that
> > bottle of lager as a whole, so I'm not sure if I'm making much
> > sense...
> I think beer is triangular, up to a point everything improves linearly,
> then it all turns to bollocks and goes downhill at roughly the same rate:)

It might have been smoother if I had distributed the beer more
uniformly across the 10 minutes I took to drink it.  Or I could have
used a smaller hop size to get more gradual changes.



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