fft~ + pique 
/doc/4.fft.examples sinedecomposer.pd

might give you some ideas

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 23:20:31 -0500
Jared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Summary: I'm interested in capturing audio through a microphone and, in 
> real time, determining which frequency range (from a set range of 
> frequencies) has the maximum level. This would be used to determine 
> which note is loudest out three notes.
> More info: Hello! I was hoping to get some direction for a project I'm 
> working on. I'm also searching the mailing list archives, but I 
> apologize in advance if I ask questions that have been answered 
> elsewhere. If you think my question has already been answered, I would 
> appreciate any advice on how to better search the archives to find what 
> I'm looking for.
> I am creating a staged adaptation of a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' 
> novel. For more information, check out the Wikipedia article at 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choose_your_own_adventure The important 
> thing to know is there will be a branching storyline, decided by 
> audience voting.
> For the voting, I plan for everyone in the audience to have a small 
> xylophone with 3. Each note will correspond to a voting choice presented 
> by the cast. I'm going to have microphones positioned around the theatre 
> to capture the xylophones and pipe them to a computer. What I'd then 
> like to do through PD is determine which note was 'loudest,' meaning the 
> most people cast it for their vote.
> The voting choices will be displayed by a projector connected to the 
> computer running PD. Thus, I'm interested in either piping the level 
> information to another program (PowerPoint or something else) to display 
> which vote won. I'd also be interested in doing this directly through 
> PD, if it's possible.
> I'm working my way through the PD tutorials included in the program 
> itself, but would appreciate any advice or suggestions on keywords I can 
> use to search the archives.
> Please let me know if there is any information I can add to make things 
> more clear. Thanks in advance for all your help.
> -Jared
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