We're busy with making a beat detector in Pd, but we're stuck in such a way
that we want stopped trying to implement it as a patch. We're now skinning
our matlab code to make it as fast and small as possible. After that we'll
translate it to C code (hopefully the matlab-to-C compiiler helps us a
little bit, because we're not so experienced in C programming). And then
we'll try to turn it into a Pd external. I already worked through the
external tutorial of Zmölnig, but I still have some questions:

  - How to use the the x_, a_ and t_ prefixes
  - I already understand how to compile and so on, but does anyone know
  a good C editor, free and windows (or is that a contradiction?)
  - How can we test and compile a 'block'  without the main methods or
  header files included? Or how do you have to do that?

I fear I'll also have many more questions when we really implement it.
Hopefully you guys will help us out very soon.
look at http://idafx.blogspot.com (or Pd webring) for more information

Ronny Vanden Bempt
[home]riddersstraat 226, 3000 Leuven
[dom]verbindingslaan 36, 3001 Heverlee
PD-list@iem.at mailing list
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