On 5 May 2007, at 5:14 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> [classpath] == [declare -stdpath]
> Adds a path to the global search path.

thats great! - I wasn't aware of [classpath] -- now I can stop  
wrangling preferences/users trying to get different paths and  
libraries for different versions.

a few questions not explained in the helpfiles:
- is there a way to use relative pathnames?
- and if so what are they relative to?
- is it possible to refer to the users home folder?
- what version of pd do they require
(they seem to create ok in millers OSX 0.40 and 0.39)
- when can I use the libdir system to load a directory of externals?

I hope there are plans for inclusion in the miller pd distribution  
soon (though a least it is fairly easy to explain how to add them,  
even to a novice user).

thanks for getting this working,


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