On 15/05/2007, at 20.57, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> a new filetype: *.pdt which is a tar-archive that gets unpacked by Pd
> when loading, and gets packed by Pd when saving a file as *.pdt

Should it
- be unpacked by Pd into a /tmp folder or into a folder next to  
file.pdt or something else, like only virtually be unpacked?
- include externals/binary file? (I think that would be a mess due to  
different platforms)
- take care of the start up options you did or the preferences you've  
set or add declares or something likewise to make sure it runs  
smoothly wrt. loading especially externals used.
- "flatspace" anything in the *.pdt file that is used in the mother- 
patch that is saved as *.pdt and handle name classes by adding a  
prefix or something more appropriate?

Well, while I'm not a programmer and am not the one going to  
implement it I still think it's not as straight forward as manually  
doing it. Or carefully pack things up in a tar ball and use [declare]  
to load a ./local abstraction-lib if needed be. Or just writing a  
proper Readme.txt file.

my 2 cent.

Happy hacking.

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