I think that the benevolent dictatorship of Pd lends to so much
development anarchy, it's a wonder any coordination happens at all!

All jokes aside, I'm perplexed by the sociology/ethnology of open
source projects, because there is so little stratified structure.

In order to channel the decision-making process, there must be at
least SOME kind of hierarchy to get things moving. Maybe this (plus
tons of cash flow) is how corporations are able to leverage the
development that they command.

Just some pre-snooze thoughts mulling in my head...Thoughts?


On 5/27/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's an interesting talk, they point out a number of key issues
> that have affected us as a community.  I think the idea of "poisonous
> people" is a useful one, but I would take the focus away from
> "people" and talk more about "poisonous activities".  While there are
> definitely some people who have been more poisonous than others, I
> think that probably every single Pd developer at some point has been
> poisonous.  I know I have and I have been thinking a fair amount
> about how to stop myself from doing that.  I guess the easiest thing
> I have been trying to do is to spend less time arguing in email and
> more time coding.
> Another point they talk about is having a focus.  I think Pd suffers
> from the lack of focus.  As a software project, it has an unusual
> structure, which makes it difficult to clearly outline the focus.
> That's something I am planning on working on in the coming months,
> trying to figure out my own focus in all this.  Pd is quite a bit
> different here also since it covers a very wide range of topics, so
> there isn't really the possibility of a strong focus like with
> subversion.
> Hopefully we can discuss this more at the Pd Convention.  It's always
> many times more productive to speak face-to-face.  Plus I think it's
> many times more fun than sitting alone behind the laptop...
> .hc
> On May 25, 2007, at 6:37 PM, marius schebella wrote:
> > victor wrote:
> >> summarizing: Which is the next future of PureData
> >
> > Before I try to answer that question, please keep in mind that you
> > cannot compare an open source software project to any company driven
> > proprietary software. Lots of people have been working very hard to
> > bring Pd to the current state and propably 99 times more people use it
> > in their work, and I saw some great artwork done with it. Seriously, I
> > don't know so many other "art software" packages of that size. (I am
> > thinking of maybe blender, processing, gimp, audacity...)
> >
> > But let's talk about the future. Btw there is a nice talk about open
> > source software projects, which was given at "google talks".
> > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645
> >
> > To me it seems there is not really a clear direction of what Pd should
> > be. Speaking as a user I only can speculate, but most probably none of
> > the people who have contributed Pd code have ever agreed on a certain
> > featurelist of a final version. Or whether there should be a v 1.0
> > at all.
> >
> > But that does not mean that there is no progress. Regarding the social
> > aspect there will be the second puredata conference in late August in
> > Montreal. People are doing lot of work to get this running. Then there
> > are the summer of code projects http://puredata.org/dev/summer-of-
> > code.
> > Other people are working on documentation and tutorials and others try
> > to integrate all the different libraries into one release.
> >
> > btw. it is too late for this year's prix ars electronica, but since
> > there is a category "digital community" Pd definitely should go for
> > that
> > next year...
> >
> > marius.
> >
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