On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 22:42 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> first: Maybe we should avoid the term "parent patch" for the patch,
> that contains the [declare] object. Generally "parent" seems to be
> used for specifying the parent of an abstraction as in "graph on
> parent".  One could consider an object like [declare] to be like an
> abstraction and then its parent would be the patch that contains
> [declare]. However IMO this becomes confusing when talking about the
> parent of an abstraction that itself contains the [declare]. 
> Does someone have a better term for the patch, that contains an
> object? Maybe the "owner" or so.

yeah, using 'parent' lead to confusions. i'll use 'owner patch' in the

> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > what i meant to be inconsistent:
> > 
> > - [declare -lib somelib] makes the objects of the external 'somelib'
> > availabe to ALL patches, not only to the [declare]'s parent patch.
> Currently it's impossible to "unload" a binary object (builtin or
> external) from Pd once it is loaded. Loading the wrong [counter]
> binary will make all your [counter] objects behave like the one loaded
> first. That's also why you cannot overwrite binary objects with
> abstractions. Just try it.
> So the fact that [declare -lib somelib] acts globally actually is
> unavoidable and might even be considered a bug.
> > - [declare -path somefolder] makes the abstractions from 'somefolder'
> > available ONLY to the parent patch, i.e. the patch, that contains the
> > [declare].
> That's the idea IIRC: Only the "owner" should see that modified path.
> Unfortunatly that behaviuor is currently broken for [declare -path
> ...] in abstractions.

thanks for the explanations. that makes sense for me now. am i right
then, that: 

[declare myfolder] [myabs]



are essentially the same thing? if yes, what is the advantage of using


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