Le vendredi 08 juin 2007 à 17:21 +0200, patrice colet a écrit :

> the -fPIC flag was missing, so I've added this one at line 3845:
> WFLAGS="-Wall -fPIC"

 I had to do the same thing with [ratts], at line 4389:

    OFLAGS="-O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing

> It wasn't enough, [flite] dependances has been installed with apt-get,
> then the flite headers and libraries wasn't in a place expected by the
> configure file (I didn't have chace with --with-flite-dir option). 

This time, the configure script has found the flite headers without
modifying anything or putting any tag, cool!

> Patko.
PS: sorry for the bad english...

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