Johannes Krause hat gesagt: // Johannes Krause wrote:

> so when i try to play 7 samples, iam going to read in 56 arrays at
> same time, with tabplay~ it needs 10 sec to start playing.
> when i read the second buffer later the the the first one it takes
> about 5 sec to play and it interrupts at the transition.
> any idea to handle that kind of problem?
> other ways to get much better results?

As you use tabplay~ and thus no change of speed, you can mask the
loading time of [readsf~] by preloading the beginning of a sample into
a table, play this with tabread4~, while readsf~ is still loading the
file, and then switch over from tabread4~ to readsf~ after a certain
time. See attached harddisk sample player for an implementation in
mono. For 4-channel playback you need to modify this of course. Note
that it assumes that your sample has a samplerate of 44.1 kHz and that
Pd is running at 44.1 kHz as well, because readsf~ always plays with
Pd's samplerate.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

Attachment: hd-sampleplayer~.pd
Description: application/puredata

Attachment: hd-sampleplayer~-help.pd
Description: application/puredata

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