
On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 23:01 -0500, Charles Henry wrote:

> Jamie Bullock has cc~ in his flib collection.  It computes cross
> correlation in the time domain, and cross-covariance using the freq.
> domain.  I worked on it a while back...but have been lazy about trying
> to change the cross-covariance into a cross-correlation.  Sorry,
> Jamie.

flib is now deprecated, and has been surpassed by libxtract, which is a
generic C library that includes as an example a PD external that wraps
it's functionality. 

It can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxtract. If you
want to use the fft-based autocorrelation you will need the fftw
library, and to compile libxtract with --enable-fft.

It includes a time domain and fft-based autocorrelation, but no
arbitrary cross correlation functions. 

Chuck, I must remember to add your cross-covariance code into libxtract
(with acknowledgement of course).



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