
I cc'ed the list since this is of general interest.

Try trashing your pd preferences in ~/Library/Preferences.  The file  
is called org.puredata.pd.plist.  Otherwise, post the whole contents  
of the Pd window to the Pd-list.  The PDP error below means that you  
do know have X11.app installed.  It's included on the Mac OS X 10.4  
DVD.  You'll need to install it to use PDP and PiDiP.

Hope the clavicle heals soon!


On Jul 21, 2007, at 7:33 AM, wolfgang schwarzenbrunner wrote:

> hi hans,
> after 6 years of pd - still a newbie...
> anyway - i have this intel mac just for half a year now and never  
> worked on mac befor. so here is the issue:
> i downloaded your extended rc4. copied it to the application  
> folder. ran it. gem loaded - all other libs don`t load. which is  
> strange...
> do you maybe have a hint (befor i start trying around for hours)?
> sorry for unpolite "short wordedness" but i broke my clavicle two  
> days ago, which makes writing slow and painful :( ;)
> shell output below... maybe i just have to set one or two paths -  
> but i don`t really know exactly how an where to...
> best regards and sorry for disturbing
> schwarzenbrunner wolfgang
> GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
> GEM: ver: 0.91-cvs
> GEM: compiled: Jul 10 2007
> GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
> GEM: Authors :    Mark Danks (original version)
> GEM:        Chris Clepper
> GEM:        James Tittle
> GEM:        IOhannes m zmoelnig
> GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, Cyrille Henry,  
> et al.
> GEM: using SSE2 optimization
> iem: can't load library
> vst: can't load library
> OSC: can't load library
> /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/ 
> pdp.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/ 
> Resources/Scripts/../extra/pdp.pd_darwin, 10): Library not loaded: / 
> usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.6.dylib
>  Referenced from: /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/ 
> Scripts/../extra/pdp.pd_darwin
>  Reason: image not found
> pdp: can't load library
> error: .printout.text: no such object


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