jared wrote:
> ....if its so fucking
> bad why would you want to visit?  

Some people have the hope, the true situation would not be so

        Hope?  Please.  The conversations that I was talking about,
these people weren't talking about 'hope'...they were flat out  trashing
the American people and government...and being very angry       about
it...it was funny because they knew I was American and they     seemed
to be trying to upset me...they were surprised that, for the    most
part, I agreed with everything they said...i think some people  forget
that no one is more angry at the American government than the   American
people....did you happen to see or hear about the many  marches and
protests against Bush after he was elected?  I was in   Europe after
Bush's second election and I didn't see or hear anything        about
the protests of the American people.  The media outlets there   seemed
to be happy with portraying all US citizens as stupid idiots    who were
sheep in the Bush flock....god, for the most part, the media    there is
worse than it is here...and that is saying something...

> .....but who
> is worse: the Idiot, or the guy who follows the idiot?

except for romania, there are not so many countries in the world, who 
follow the US at the moment.

        Good news there....

> I didn't vote for Bush...neither did half of the American
> voters...that's over 150 million United States citizens who didn't
> for Bush 

I am not sure, how you calculate this. because in 2000 50mio people 
voted for bush. which means 250mio citizens (including children and 
non-voters) did not. 51mio voters voted actively against bush, 249 mio 
citizens did not... (only 101mio people actively voted.)
for years later (due to his successful policy...), 62mio voted for bush.

        Okay, my numbers are wrong...but you get my point, don't you?
So,     say, 51 million people voted AGAINST BUSH in 2000...51 million
is      nearly the total population of Italy, or France...My point is
that    51 million is a lot of people to ignorantly lump into the Fat,
American Cowboy Bush voter category.


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