marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:

> (sorry, if you get this twice, I forgot the attachement)

(Sorry for replying late, I automatically sort away mails with zip
files, as these often are virusses and I only occasionally look into
that mbox.)

> when I play around with pyode world then I am having problems with the 
> rotation of the objects (I think...?).
> I will look deeper into you example patches, but two questions:
> there seems to be one object in the middle of the space by default, is 
> that from pyode? what exactly is it?

It's actually three objects: Two cubes and a sphere. I leave it as an
exercise for the reader to find out where they come from. Hint: They
won't go away if you delete the pyode-object. ;)

> and what am I doing wrong with the rotation, the objects behave a little 
> bit strange. I attached a testpatch, so that you can see what I am 
> doing. thanks for help.

I would recommend to use or look at the [ode_*] helper abstractions
that are included with pyode. They automatically do all rotations and
translations for you. (Btw.: Instead of niagara you could use [list

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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